“JOURNEY involves understanding yourself. Understanding brings acceptance. Acceptance is a step towards self-empowerment. And all that is part of self-love. The first step is saying NO to the unwanted. The next step is saying YES to the desirable. It’s not the same. That’s very important to be aware of. It’s about self-love. It’s about allowing myself to stand up for what is important to me in my feelings, for what I want. What am I saying YES to? What am I opening up to?”
The incidental first treatment with the Biodynamic Craniosacral method in 2009 opened me up to another direction and way of eliminating pain and manifestations of my disease. The two-year training at the Všenory Institute of CranioSacral Biodynamics®️ was a stepping stone in many ways. To this day, Biodynamic CranioSacral Therapy plays an indescribable role in my self-healing. My continuous study under the guidance of Czech and international lecturers is an anchor and support for me.
The desire and decision to help others followed. Being a teacher, lecturer, and therapist carries with it a responsibility. My clients and students are my mirror and inspiration at the same time. I am still learning. My intention is for everyone to explore what I impart in their own way and choose their own path.
I am here to help you answer your health questions from the perspective of Ayurveda and yoga therapy. I try to translate the concepts of Western medicine, which are closer to all of us, into the language of the five basic elements and the body typology of doshas. By understanding the principle of Ayurvedic constitutional types and the connection between the doshas and our current state of health, we can begin to apply the various Ayurvedic practices and yoga therapy techniques according to our individual requirements. Together, we can use the safe space of stillness in craniosacral practice to connect to our inner wisdom, deepen mindfulness of our own bodies, and support the self-healing and self-regulating abilities of our system.
My motto: “Peace in my Soul, Health in my Body, Love in my Heart, and Faith in mySELF.”
- University of Economic in Prague (1988-1993), followed by a postgraduate studies at Erasmus University Rotterdam
- Course of nutritional counseling ”Five elements according to the TCM”. Prague, 2010, M.Tovtová
- Distance self-learning program by profesor G.Jelínek, Australia (https://overcomingms.org)
- Courses ”Introduction to Massage skills“ (Thai and Oil techniques) and “Mindful power of touch”. Prague, 2011 and 2013
- Yoga therapy courses with Lucie Königová, Prague, 2010-2016
- Meditation program, Ramana Maharshi Ashram, Tiruvannanmalai, India, 2016
- Teacher-assistant at therapeutic yoga classes for “Association of Young Sclerotics”. Prague, 2016, 2017
- Professional training in CranioSacral Biodynamics, Institute of CranioSacral Biodynamics, Všenory, Czech Republic, 2014-2016
- Postgraduate seminar of Craniosacral Biodynamics “The heart as an organ of perception with Charles Ridley“, 1st part. Prague, 2017
- Vedic Meditation Course, under the guidance of Tim Mitchell. Prague, 2018
- Ayurvedic Gurukula, I year, under the guidance of Martina Ziskova, MD. Prague, 2017-2018 – without certification
- CranioSacral Biodynamics Postgraduate Seminar “Ignitions” under the guidance of Abha Sajwel, Institute of CranioSacral Biodynamics. Všenory, Czech Republic, 2019
- Certified Lecturer Training “Yoga as a Conscious Path” („Jóga jako vědomá cesta“). Akasha, Prague, 2019-2021
- CranioSacral Biodynamics Postgraduate Seminar “Back to Wholeness”. M. Appleton, webinars series, 2020
- Pranayama Techniques, Svastha Yoga, with A. G. Mogan & Indra Mohan. Webinars series, 2020
- Member of Czech Craniosacral Association, www.kranio.eu